Bibles for Kenya
Crossroad of Truth Missions Outreach Program
First Shipment of 40 Bibles sent by Crossroad of Truth and received by Bishop Javan on Feb 2, 2021
“The Lord Jesus Christ commands all followers to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel”. If you cannot go yourself, send a substitute. Send the Word of God and do your part in evangelizing the world.”
Bible Goal = 2,000 Bibles
Bibles Sent = 1,030 ($12,600)
(Jan 2021 - Nov 2023
Cost per Bible = $12.00 US - Make your Works Count in Eternity - Donate a Bible To the Kingdom of God
Through your giving and serving, you help make it possible for Crossroad of Truth to provide Bibles directly to people in Kenya who are hungry for the Word of God.
The goal of this ministry outreach is to support one thriving Kenyan church that is experiencing revival in their town, but whose people cannot afford to own their own quality Bible. This initiative combined with the online teaching ministry we provide from Canada, supports worldwide evangelism and educating hundreds of Kenyan families on the teachings of the Bible that they can share with friends and families for generations to come.
For the cost of $10, you can provide a high quality Bible in the local language to another follower of Christ, and we ensure it will be delivered directly into the hands of the recipient by the local pastor, Bishop Javan Bokea.
We place Bible orders monthly from the Kenya Bible Society to be shipped to Bishop Javan Bokea for distribution to those who need and cherish them. If you donate today, 100% of your donation will be put towards the cost of Bible, with no middlemen, agencies or extra fees. $10 given today will result in a Bible directly reaching a fellow Christian brother or sister within 30 days from your donation.
$100 Donation = 10 Bibles = Minimum of 10 Souls impacted for Eternity
What Does God Say About Giving? Christian Giving, Foreign Missions and the Great Commission
Donations can be made by e-transfer to
(see bottom of page for Charitable Receipt info and Video of Program Details and interview with Bishop with Javan Bokea)
“The purpose of the church is the evangelization of the world.
The mission of the church is missions.
How will they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?”
Bishop Javan Bokea gifting a Bible to Pastor Francis
Members of Riangisa Church (Bishop’s Javan Bokea’s church)
Bishop Javan Bokea’s church service in Kenya showing their new Bibles.
Bishop Javan visiting the Pastor Maronga and his orphanage, where Crossroad of Truth has supplied Bibles and some emergency food relief for orphans.
Background of Bishop Javan Bokea and the Churches of Kenya
Bishop Javan Bokea has been a Christian for 25 years and after responding to the call, he joined Liberty Baptist Bible College and graduated 2008. Today he is the lead pastor in a church located in Ogembo, Gucha, Kisii, with 870 born again members, and through his local evangelists he has set up 15 churches in the surrounding towns very close to him. Bishop Javan now has 80 churches in Kenya comprising 20,000 believers who look to him for leadership and Bible resources. In Bishop Javan’s own words “There is a big need of Bibles so that our members can read and know the truth.” Bishop Javan Bokea is in regular communications with Crossroad of Truth and often attends the live Zoom Bible classes on Mon. & Thurs. at 7 PM (MT) where you can speak to him yourself.
Below is an excerpt from a letter he sent to Crossroad of Truth.
“Hi brother Darryl,
Greetings and I'm excited from the communication and the guidance of the Holy Spirit to connect us using the internet and mobile phone communications.
Our first congregation, House of Grace (aka Riangisa Church), began about 15 years ago. We began young Churches in different communities starting with Kengariso and Moita Churches. Churches like Kugitura, Riosiri, Mogonga, Kipsigis, Narok, Kangemi(Nairobi).
Our Church is not under any big Church organization or denomination and we have no website. Most people here in Kenya speak different ethnic languages such as Ekegusii, Luo, Kuria, Maasai, Kipsigis, Pokot, etc.
Majority are able to speak Kiswahili while a minority speak English. We have witnessed many miracles including a young daughter to mama Chalen from Etago who got healed from epilepsy in the year 2014 after I prayed for her. Chalen and her loving husband are strong Christians.
We have also witnessed magicians and sorcerers getting saved in our Churches. Pastor Henry was a leader of a cult and after meeting sister Zipporah Gesare he accepted Jesus, joined our Bible School located at Ogembo and graduated as a pastor. Pastor Henry is now as a full time pastor and we thank God. His cultic congregations were saved by Jesus and currently pastor Kepha, his wife Mellen and evangelist Lilian are serving the 7 Churches which were under the leadership of pastor Henry and they have began 6 more congregations.
At Narok a big revival was witnessed and many Muslims accepted Jesus including the Imam in the Mosque. Also under the evangelistic efforts of sister Gesare the gospel managed to reach 2 Muslims in Nairobi and they accepted to preach Jesus unsteady of Allah. Brother Barhikard and his wife are doing good . The membership is growing. We have now Christian Churches in towns and suburbs dominated by Islamic such as in Nairobi, Garissa, Mogadishu (Somalia) and in Barawa Somalia.
Here in our community and Kenya at large we have many false religions such as the Mormonism, Oderona, etc.
There is a big need of Bibles so that our members can read and know the truth.
The Church also began the Ministry of PET which is dealing with evangelizing prostitutes and bring them hope. PET has spread her wings and also has brought many lost souls to Jesus. Very happy since many souls are now saved. We have about 800 women who are now born again through the efforts of PET.
I hope the information provided will help you brother Darryl.”
Bishop Javan Bokea
Feb. 7, 2021
Bishop Javan Bokea (right) visiting Pastor Maronga and his wife Jane at their Christian orphanage (Jan 2021)
Girls in Uniform of the Riangisa church in Kenya.
Older believer who just received a new Bible from Bishop Javan donated by Crossroad of Truth.
Charitable receipts can be issued for donations of at least $100 if you provide your name and address to
If you would like to allocate a portion of your donation to cover the operating expenses of Crossroad of Truth, please indicate the percentage you would like to go towards Bibles for Kenya versus the general ministry expenses of Crossroad of Truth in the e-transfer note . If nothing is indicated, 100% of donations will go to Bibles for Kenya.
Crossroad of Truth leadership may raise additional funds in the future for certain specific needs of the Kenya ministry to support things such as: bedding for orphans, computers for pastors so they can access Crossroad of Truth teaching resources, and other things as directed by God. If you would like to donate to these other purposes, please indicate this in your e-transfer note or send us an email to discuss what you can do to help in these other areas where there are needs.
Crossroad of Truth charges nothing for the courses, materials and resources provided through this ministry, and all teaching is done on a volunteer basis. However, we do have real costs to keep this ministry going and your donations to our general ministry fund are very appreciated.