Spiritual Warfare
Notes: Spiritual Warfare - Two Kingdoms
Openning Adress
Monday: Aug 3, 2020
Notes: Spiritual Warfare - Who is Satan?
Monday: Aug 3, 2020
Notes: Spiritual Warfare - The Fall of Man
Thursday: Aug 7, 2020
Notes: Spiritual Warfare - The Battle of Satan & Jesus
Monday: Aug 10, 2020
Notes: Spiritual Warfare - Yoga & The New Age
Thursday: Aug 13, 2020
Notes: Spiritual Warfare - The Story of Job
Monday: Aug 18, 2020
Notes: Spiritual Warfare - The Battle of the Mind
Monday: Aug 24, 2020
Notes: Spiritual Warfare - The Battle of the Mind
Monday: Aug 24, 2020
Notes: Spiritual Warfare - Demons & Deliverance
Thursday: Aug 27, 2020
10 - Spiritual Warfare - The Key To Victory
Notes: Spiritual Warfare - The Key To Victory
Monday: Aug 31, 2020
11 - Spiritual Warfare - The Armor of God
Notes: Spiritual Warfare - The Armor of God
Thursday: Sep 3, 2020
Spiritual Warfare Overview
Opening Address
By Darryl M. Crossroad of Truth, Aug. 3, 2020
Throughout this month we’ll be learning about one of the greatest mysteries of life – namely the Invisible Spiritual War going on between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan.
Why is the world like it is? Why are people like they are? Why are there wars, evil, sin and conflict? All of the evil and problems of mankind is a result of this spiritual war.
Without an understanding of these teachings about the principles of the spiritual world, it is impossible to understand history, the current state of the world, the future, as well as the problems and issues that you face in your daily life.
The intellects, politicians and “experts” of the world think they can solve the world’s problems with superficial social and legislative fixes – and it never amounts to any improvement in the long run. In fact, just as the Bible predicts will happen in the end days, the world is getting worse and worse, not better and better.
The problem with mankind (sin) must be looked at from the much more profound perspective of the Bible. Its all explained by the Devil and sin. Every other explanation is superficial.
Satan’s power is tremendous and most people don’t even believe he is real. Every person has been defeated by him, including all the Bible characters such as Abraham and David (Rom 3:23).
Satan hates God and his main goal is to destroy God’s greatest creation, Man. He does this to the lost world, primarily by blinding them and keeping them in a state of unbelief of Jesus and the truth of the Bible. In this way he assures that they will be lost eternally in hell as he will be. The natural mind is enmity against God – men by nature hate God and His Laws, because they are dominated by the Devil.
For Christians however, his tactics are more cunning and determined, since we are his enemy. In order to be victorious in this lifelong battle, we need knowledge of Satan and his tactics and Bible teachings on how to defeat him.
These teachings are more important than ever in these prophetically end days, where Societal Spiritual Warfare and deception are stronger than we’ve experienced in recent times. Our society is divided over social, political and health issues like never before in history, and Satan is experiencing many battle wins as people all over the world fight over issues they don’t understand, because behind it all is the Spiritual Deception of the Devil!
Even many Christians are completely deceived into supporting causes that seem noble on the surface, but which ultimately promote non-biblical worldviews, societal division and even Communism. Others support obeying discriminatory government demands to give up their religious freedoms without even questioning where these things are coming from. This is mainly because of Biblical ignorance of how the Devil operates. Do you really think God would be behind things that result in lawlessness, Communist ideals and loss of religious freedom?
Remember this is not a physical war, and whenever we think it is, we lose. Without the truth of God’s Word, you have no foundation to evaluate anything that is happening with discernment. There is and always has been only one way to the make the world a better place, and that is to defeat sin by the power of the Gospel.
Once you grasp the magnitude of these spiritual truths, you will see the great need and glory of the Cross and the grace that God has given us through His Son’s sacrifice.
The Cross is the central point of the Christian faith and is not something of gloom, but of glory, because it is by the Cross that we are saved. While there are many ways to Survey the Wonderous Cross (Isaac Watts), in one aspect, the Cross delivers us from the power of the Devil and it display Jesus as a Victor and conqueror, not only defeating death, but Satan too.
Colossians 2:15 says “Having disarmed principalities and powers, He (Jesus) made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.
1 John 3:8 says “Jesus came for this purpose…that He might destroy the works of the Devil.”
Jesus never fought men when He was on earth, he fought the Devil within men to release them from sin.
In John 12:31-33 Jesus says: “31 Now is the judgment of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out. 32 And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.” 33 This He said, signifying by what death He would die.
Praise God for the glory of His Son and the Cross, so that we can be released from slavery of the devil, having our sins forgiven and passing from eternal death to eternal life. Christ has set the prisoners free by releasing us from Satan’s dominion and defeated the enemy once and for eternity. Jesus says in John 5:24 “he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life.”
The Apostle Paul says in Romans 1:16 that “the Gospel is the power of the God unto Salvation.” If you believe that, then tell others as Jesus commanded. Salvation means to put your trust in Jesus Christ as God and to ask Him to forgive you of your sins. It is the only hope for a lost world.
Now let’s begin this journey to learn how to defeat our enemy.
By: Darryl M.
Crossroad of Truth, Online Bible Studies & Bible Prophesy Teachings
August 3, 2020